lazy loading components in react

  1. Using React.lazy()
  2. Using React.Suspense

React components can be loaded when needed by using two built-in features: React.lazy() and React.Suspense.

React.lazy allows you to load a component until it is rendered for the first time.

React.Suspense enables you to display a loading indicator while a component is loading.

Using React.lazy()

React.lazy() makes it easy to write components that are lazy-loaded but rendered like regular ones. This causes the bundle containing the component to load when the component is rendered.

Typically, we use dynamic import() with React.lazy() to load a lazy-loaded component, which is an official ECMAScript spec since ECMAScript 2020.

This is an example from the offical React website:

import { lazy } from "react";

const MarkdownPreview = lazy(() => import("./MarkdownPreview.js"));

Using React.Suspense

A component imported using React.lazy() is loaded only when it needs to be rendered. As a result, some kind of placeholder should be displayed while it is being loaded, such as a loading indicator. This is what Suspense is designed for.

<Suspense> is a components lets you display a fallback when its children are being loaded. We can use it as a wrapper for lazy components.

<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
<SomeComponent />

This component takes a fallback props that accepts a React component you want rendered as placeholder while all the lazy components get loaded.

<Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
<MarkdownPreview />

In this example, the component Loading will be displayed when the MarkdownPreview is not ready yet. When MarkdownPreview has been loaded, the placeholder will be replaced with its content.