Create a PostgreSQL Database with Amazon RDS

  1. Enter the RDS Console
  2. Create a PostgreSQL DB Instance
    1. Engine Options
    2. Settings
    3. Storage
    4. Connectivity
    5. Database authentication
    6. Additional configuration
  3. Edit the VPC security group
  4. Database Information

Enter the RDS Console

Visit the AWS management console and search “RDS” in the search box.

Create a PostgreSQL DB Instance

Engine Options

You now have options to select your engine. For this tutorial, choose the PostgreSQL icon, choose Engine Version and choose the Free Tier template.


  • DB instance identifier: Type a name for the DB instance that is unique for your account in the Region you selected.
  • Master username: Type a username that you will use to log in to your DB instance.
  • Master password: Type a password that contains from 8 to 41 printable ASCII characters (excluding /,”, and @) for your master user password.
  • Confirm password: Retype your password.


  • Storage type: Select General Purpose SSD (gp3).
  • Allocated storage: Select the default of 20 to allocate 20 GB of storage for your database.
  • Storage autoscaling: Uncheck this option.


  • Public accessibility: Choose Yes. This will allocate an IP address for your database instance so you can directly connect to the database from your own device.
  • VPC security groups: Select Create new VPC security group. This will create a security group that will allow connection from the IP address of the device that you are currently using to the database created.
  • Port: Leave the default value of 5432.

Database authentication

Additional configuration

  • Database name: Type a database name that is 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters. If you do not provide a name, Amazon RDS will not automatically create a database on the DB instance you are creating.
  • Enable automated backups: Clear this checkbox.
  • Enable encryption: Clear this checkbox.
  • Auto minor version upgrade: Select Enable auto minor version upgrade to receive automatic updates when they become available.
  • Maintenance Window: Select No preference.
  • Deletion protection: Clear Deletion protection.

Click Create database.

Edit the VPC security group

Database Information